Social Media and Lead Generation

HIP United
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Amie Reiman
Preferred learners
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
Marketing strategy Media
target audience search engine optimization digital marketing scheduling mailchimp keyword research analytics video marketing video editing lead generation
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Positions Available: 2

Our team is looking for a digital & social media wizard who can help us drive more traffic and improve our SEO positioning. The primary project requirements include:

  1. Keyword analysis to determine relevant search terms to our organization
  2. Optimize the analytics on Mail Chimp, FB and the website by boosting the highest performing content and woorking with the Digital Media manager to create a schedule of content to create & implement across all channels.
  3. Strategy creation and implementation: Shopify, Facebook store creation and advertising launch
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) requirements to ensure our organization appears on the first page of Google for relevant keywords
  • Social media requirements to increase the number of followers/likes and share
  1. Content Calendar Execution: Timely deployment of all our social media content to drive maximum traffic to our site
  2. Creating engaging content for prominent media websites that aggregate target audiences and drive the sales channels.
  3. Assist in growing subscription and membership programs through social content and events
  4. Support the sales team in scheduling/creating Event ads.
  5. Working with tools and programs such as launching a Twitter account, building the company Linkedin Page, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube (posting clips and condensing)
  6. Content (video) editing, video marketing

We’re excited to work with students who can help us not only brainstorm, but also execute a strategy to achieve:

  • Begin transition to a subscription based service, more signs up for the newsletter

This is a great project for students to prove their digital marketing expertise to future employers, as the impact of their work on this project can be easily measured and communicated.

About the company
  • 2 - 10 employees
  • Education, Business services, Hospital, health, wellness & medical, Individual & family services, Public relations & communications

Hip United is a digital network made up of holistic health-supportive resources that, through a self-serve, a la carte menu, members can access wellness options and tools that are intended for all lives. Our health-in-progress mission means that we recognize the barriers faced in healthcare globally and acknowledge that striving towards wholeness is the number one way to combat problems at the surface level before they accumulate into larger issues.

Hip United is the 1st VIRTUAL WELLNESS HOLISTIC DIRECTORY featuring its turnkey digital rolodex of tools and services, providing users with vetted, professional resources in support of a Health in Progress for all lives! HIP also invites the educators and experts to host their services, products and educational tools to amplify their businesses and support the well-being of those seeking solutions around the world.