Market Research In Renewable Energy

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
Market research Product or service launch
target market market research construction electricity roofing research renewable energy
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Our product can generate electricity using rain water and we want to explore the market for this technology.

We want to better understand our target market within our Canada audience as well as the overall market so we can uniquely position ourselves within our industry.

The research will include:

  • Target market research within Canada- Our product can be used by construction developers when building new houses and apartments to make them self sustainable. We also want to explore opportunties with large retailers who have larger buildings with a large roofing area. Other potential clients could be government agencies in Canada and the US.
  • Research concerning potential organizations for funding.
  • Industry size and market potential
  • Competitive landscape
  • Strategic positioning of our brand
About the company

The company is focused on developing new green technologies. Our product can generate electricity, and have energy storage capacity.
The goal is to create a team capable to successfully develop a product and bring it to the pre-commercial stage.