Virtual Internship Opportunity: Web Development

Mama Soul
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Laura Akkapeddi
Founder and Business Director
Preferred learners
  • United States
  • Academic experience
Data analysis
communication google analytics video streaming process improvement research wordpress mock ups zoom (video conferencing tool) web development
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Our organization is able to offer a virtual website development internship for an individual student.

The primary focus for the student will be:

  • Website Development - Make edits to current website (WordPress), create a design proposal including mock-ups for website improvements, provide training on updating and maintaining the site.
  • Technology Integration - Setting up company on other video streaming platforms.
  • Data Analysis - Set-up Google Analytics and reporting to capture relevant information from the website.

Our goal at the end of this experience is:

  • Website Development - For the student(s) to edit a fully functioning website and increase website performance.
  • Technology Integration - For the student(s) to increase the number of platforms used across the business.
  • Data Analysis - For the student(s) to help us devise and implement a data system to help our organization derive insights to inform decision-making.

Other duties the student may complete could include:

  • Software vendor research and evaluation
  • Assisting with other process improvement projects

We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: email and zoom calls

Student's primary contact: Laura Akkapeddi, Founder and Business Director

Secondary contact: Tara Charne, Founder and Creative Director

About the company
No description provided